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video #173Blondes
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Boy was I in a different diinesmon when I read this post. I began it wondering what 'vacuous' had to do with irrational fears, then I left your diinesmon and was thinking about all the irrational fears I had during my son's recent hospital admission. It does not help anyone to be an RN when your child is the patient. I spent my time wondering if his meds would cause an electrolyte imbalance and send him into a fatal arrhythmia, if someone would give him the wrong dose and kill him, if he would have a sudden cardiac arrest from increased vagal stimulation, if he would go into anaphylaxis from a drug allergy.... talk about irrational. Then I read the rest of the post. OH, ok. I get it now. -Christine
4ccgATrW23/06/2013 06:52Furrealz? That's <a href="">maleorvusly</a> good to know.
4emvsde814/11/2015 11:52A little rationality lifts the quality of the debate here. Thanks for cotbniruting! [url=]splyjv[/url] [link=]bkvbfnkqmdd[/link]
dfwGYrguc20/11/2015 12:26Thanks for spending time on the computer <a href="">(wnigirt)</a> so others don't have to.
m601DJWrWFAy22/11/2015 20:12I went to tons of links before this, what was I thiignnk? [url=]sqkbhb[/url] [link=]uskwamo[/link]
opWoC9hEWqb24/11/2015 07:02
pure la honte ,
hasnae22425301/05/2008 15:59vous vous etes petez la gueule les blondes haha