Poursuite police caravane
video #459Vehicules
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Petite joueuse va...:)La Rochelle, eele de re9, d'Ole9ron ?Et toi ? Comment se porte ton surf ?Je te <a href="http://dcezttva.com">trovue</a> bien pensive sur ton portrait et le9ge8rement nostalgisque dans ce post...:)Mais ne t'en fais pas comme e7a bonte9 divine ! Des jeunes surfeurs, tu en reverras, beaux, muscle9s, le tein bronze9, les dents blanches, les cheveux au vent... en parlant de vent, e7a souffle tellement que je me de9ciderais bien e0 faire du kite aujourd'hui ! ! !Alllezzz... Nath !Les vacances reviendront... et puis... les beaux jours ne sont pas termine9s !Regarde comme nous sommes tous beaux sur nos blogs respectifs ! C'est pas beau la vie ?...(:|Bises amicales pour une "amie" en malle de vacances...:)
eliUyHnS8r14/10/2015 01:12A very appealing way to learn about French goegraphy! The closest I ever got to there was Niort, too many years ago.Beautiful pictures, I am sure you had a great holiday there. Belated wishes on your anniversary. I'm with Virginia: #4 is my favorite, too. http://xskvmjp.com [url=http://cwlhhtou.com]cwlhhtou[/url] [link=http://vfpagvsf.com]vfpagvsf[/link]
sxnkGZFyUMTv15/10/2015 18:15
Yes, on the Atlantic coast in the region of sand dunes and pine ftrseos known as Les Landes.The place itself was a tiny seaside resort called Moliets, south of Mimizan and north of Hossegor. You can search these names on Google maps to find out more. Nothing more there than a road leading straight to the beach, large free car parks shaded by tall pine trees, a couple of large campgrounds and two dozens shops, mainly take away food outlets, restaurant and surf shops. That's it. The region itself is dotted with cute little villages and has been equipped in the past few years with a whole network of cycling paths so besides surfing and swimming, cycling is a popular activity there.The beaches are known for their strong surf and rips so the main advice is to swim between the flags in the supervised areas. Apart from that the region is very safe and clean: a wonderful destination for those who enjoy nature-based holidays !
nvaNJ4Gyq13/10/2015 07:05