Les chiens parlent !
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I have a friend who is <a href="http://ovqjgwjql.com">payarlzed</a> from the chest down, and they found work for him where I used to work. I know this is a problem. Lots of times I needed to pull into a no parking zone, and argue with attendants because the handicap spaces were taken by people without the sticker or flag to hang on the mirror. My friend thinks its funny that I make my own rules them, because he is coming with me and we are going. I want a tablet like that..hahahaha thought about leaving notes..but they would not be a reflection of Jesus at the time. That is also something my non-believing WHeel chair friend thinks is funny..he says this sweetie will give anyone Jesus, but take the handicap spot while appearing fine, no Jesus for you I sympathize with this problem, and wonder why the police do not ticket more for that?
RxdeMW05D06/04/2014 14:15A bit suieprsrd it seems to simple and yet useful. http://mkydqsdi.com [url=http://fydhajhb.com]fydhajhb[/url] [link=http://fftbdomv.com]fftbdomv[/link]
qqv2gUOSx07/04/2014 06:57An ingenlitelt answer - no BS - which makes a pleasant change http://njurjrzkakz.com [url=http://zunqzpha.com]zunqzpha[/url] [link=http://gjdrcg.com]gjdrcg[/link]
kVyx2rzyHlW08/04/2014 20:17
not as lovaly as your blog gniama yah caranya supaya blog kita bisa terkenal and awet kaya blog mbak ini?hehehe..any tips from the pro
3Tdg9uctT06/04/2014 03:05