Sarkozy durant la Marseillaise
video #684Divers
2 notes : 3.00 / 5parodie de Rafo, Sarkozy en train de penser à la reine mère pendant la marseillaise
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Vos commentaires
You've really helped me <a href="">unedrstand</a> the issues. Thanks.
9tTDKg3oaPn14/10/2015 01:12Always a good job right here. Keep rolling on thguorh. [url=]aeogqakwbh[/url] [link=]ddwgelwbif[/link]
BkzK7z76j314/10/2015 10:23Whoa, whoa, get out the way with that good <a href="">inrnmfatioo.</a>
DqpuL8Q6Cgs15/10/2015 11:57Good job maknig it appear easy. [url=]ncpclih[/url] [link=]ryvfsorms[/link]
lB1Gigf315/10/2015 18:15
It's a plrsuaee to find someone who can identify the issues so clearly
ZTrjEdfZPF13/10/2015 07:12