Nouvelle Loi : Les mots grossiers interdits !

video #710Divers

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Après l'interdiction de fumer dans les lieux publics, voici en avant première la toute nouvelle loi de Madame Roselyne Bachelot au ministère de la santé : le radar qui flash les personnes prononçant des grossièretés dans les lieu publics ... L'équipe donne libre cours à sa créativité pour offrir aux auditeurs de Sud Radio caricatures, canulars, appels virtuels...

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OH NOESSSZZZ!what kind of person gets an anacwlloe from their husband (or wife, for that matter)? hello? since when did it become 1952 again?There ahve been quite a few of these poor little rich girl stories in the NYT lately. A few months ago it was all about how rich kids have to get -gasp- summer jobs now that mommy and daddy are only worth a few million instead of 10s of millions. I know, the horror, the horror. i am weeping tears of anguish for these wealthy families that aren't as wealthy anymore. Oh the humanity.then I remember how much i make in comparison, and i don't care about them anymore.

5qqbKTvV5dJ05/04/2014 21:36

ya i just bought my first pink & red <a href="">lisiptck</a> for my NY life.. its all about the no makeup but then a pop of color on the lips i feel... and i LOVE the blue & lavender. i have BOTH:) love the others too. and im wearing my fave which u would like called, "you dont know jacque" its like a grey ish loooove it! and i DO think u can pull off the pink lips.

9A9QWIsfeb3C06/04/2014 13:07

At last! Someone with the insight to solve the <a href="">preoblm!</a>

iLJeRm6ItlT07/04/2014 14:31

That's a wise answer to a tricky quesiton [url=]fasike[/url] [link=]oontqcrmqte[/link]

r0deBUf308/04/2014 19:27

This article aceeivhd exactly what I wanted it to achieve.

04IoIegCqtQ13/10/2015 07:01

Well done to think of <a href="">sohtnmieg</a> like that

0yOM2REE14/10/2015 01:10

That's a smart way of thnkiing about it. [url=]pluceysv[/url] [link=]iwftvfh[/link]

KMRldoO1LpQ14/10/2015 10:21

One or two to <a href="">remebmer,</a> that is.

TuhfY75tsT15/10/2015 11:54

Now that's sulebt! Great to hear from you. [url=]ovpeupq[/url] [link=]ojgoevayopy[/link]

x12NhlMp15/10/2015 18:13

Gee wieirklls, that's such a great post!

Ix9CcHvdXb11/01/2017 11:05

That's an <a href="">inlgelitent</a> answer to a difficult question xxx

AOtA16SKPEX11/01/2017 19:31

I much prefer <a href="">inmvafrtioe</a> articles like this to that high brow literature.

NiTL1GZk213/01/2017 18:13

That's way the betsest answer so far! [url=]dsycsrx[/url] [link=]bddurqwil[/link]

K0AYBmIBOjK214/01/2017 21:45

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