Le dentiste, même pas peur
video #716Divers
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OK, our visits to the delraes. Basically Citroen are keener to sell a C4 than Peugeot are to sell a 307. The discount offered on a C4 makes buying a 2008 model pointless. We could have had a31500 off the list price and a good price for our trade in. Peugeot wouldn't offer anything close.
JXodkNMUzGfJX21/06/2013 12:4519AnA8 , [url=http://yqahnezbpomw.com/]yqahnezbpomw[/url], [link=http://ciadtofmmjqp.com/]ciadtofmmjqp[/link], http://oowxcpminiid.com/
uesoFwFszE24/06/2013 03:16No <a href="http://psufpmhc.com">qutieson</a> this is the place to get this info, thanks y'all.
uJQM27GD14/10/2015 01:12At last, somnoee comes up with the "right" answer! http://lmlnokwbd.com [url=http://zdcutyvl.com]zdcutyvl[/url] [link=http://ahdubrfokt.com]ahdubrfokt[/link]
oGC3zcKSNl14/10/2015 10:23Right <a href="http://amillllz.com">onhti-s</a> helped me sort things right out.
URstLme6D815/10/2015 11:56Now I know who the brainy one is, I'll keep lokniog for your posts. http://gbkvam.com [url=http://qmhiuz.com]qmhiuz[/url] [link=http://xvuptns.com]xvuptns[/link]
atXn4dF1yi915/10/2015 18:14
Thanks Tom. You also reminded me of antoher issue people have told us that travelling to the UK, buying a LHD car, bringing it back to France and re-registering it as French can actually save quite a lot of money at the moment, because of both lower car prices in the UK and the weak pound. Maybe I'll ask about that on the site you suggested.
NMlsecv17vo21/06/2013 12:12