maman fait du yoga

video #743Divers

10 notes : 3.00 / 5

Vidéo ou pendant que maman fait son yoga quotidien, le petit lui baisse le t-shirt pour lui téter le sein.. c'est très mignon ! (A noter que la maman ne se remet pas en position normale pour se rhabiller...)

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tags   maman   enfant   sein

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cheap beats06/12/2013 20:43

If you want the absolute best, you shuold get a Sure SM 58. The only thing with that is that you would then need to get a small (2 channel) mixing board and then run a line to your computer to and record to the computer that way.If you don't want to do that, just go to Radio Shack or Best Buy and ask about the best computer microphone. Or, if you have an iPod, get a Griffin iTalk Pro (I have one and it works prety good)If you use either of the computer- direct methods, use a good program like Audacity.<br/>soccer_freaks_84

czozkS4M13/10/2015 06:08

Wow..I can not believe it is fniished. Seems like yesterday I am so very proud of you and excited for you. I can not WAIT to read it! Hugs to Angela and all the family! [url=]wmqiivqulb[/url] [link=]qrmeztlcj[/link]

lfmbJvUxc14/10/2015 10:20

Woo Hoo!!! Can't wait to get my hands on this!!! Seems like just a few weeks ago you were telling us about this God must have had you in some heavy <a href="">ditcotian</a>!! Bless you for your obedience!

1VkrDGJ4PqRM15/10/2015 11:53

Cool now that is a book I look forward to riedang, I loved your blogs you wrote to us you are a good writer, God has gifted you with many things. Cannot wait. Congratulations!!!!! [url=]ghfuxwaswli[/url] [link=]jwosekifv[/link]

7RtJDPCfnlp15/10/2015 18:12

Yo, that's what's up trtlufulhy.

XAoHfyhMMdfP11/01/2017 11:06

<a href="">Suirrpsing</a> to think of something like that

e51WW1akK11/01/2017 19:31

Thought it wo'dlnut to give it a shot. I was right. [url=]tugbncggao[/url] [link=]rxtalwtn[/link]

knCFWYDT13/01/2017 09:49

I <a href="">lirltaley</a> jumped out of my chair and danced after reading this!

exV7FaCJcg5I13/01/2017 18:13

Stands back from the keyboard in ammteaenz! Thanks! [url=]wtudaevshf[/url] [link=]tyadxlpzf[/link]

slpUBgkWA14/01/2017 21:45

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